Fiduciary Fund Administration
The Fiduciary Administration structure of Finaxis Bank has experts and proprietary operating processes acquired through over 10 years of experience with Fund Servicing. The administrator is the legal representative of the funds before the regulator (CVM) or self-regulated (ANBIMA) authorities, being responsible for the execution of all resultant obligations. Our services are based on the preservation of the interests of shareholders, acting with absolute diligence seeking the best solutions throughout the relationship chain.
Receivables Funds (FIDCs – Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios) are addressed to investments on receivables and securities, arising from operations at the financial, commercial, industrial, commercial leasing and rendering of services business segments; and on commercial contracts of purchase and sales of products, goods and/or services for future delivery or rendering, as well as on securities or certificates which represent such contracts.
Finaxis Bank is a leading expert in Receivable Fund Administration. With a specialized structure and proprietary systems, we serve different client profiles, ensuring compliance with current legislation as well as the highest ethical standards.
Private Equity Funds (FIPs – Fundos de Investimento em Participações) are addressed to investments in equities, debentures, subscription bonus, or other convertible or permutable securities in outstanding stocks of public and private companies/ corporations, thus participating of the ruling process of the company/ corporation in which the investment is made, with effective influence in defining its strategical policy and in its management, mainly through the nomination of Supervisory Board’s members. The Private Equity Fund administration area of Finaxis has experts with long experience in the Brazilian financial market, strict monitoring processes to ensure adherence to the legislation, as well as agility and safety in the implementation of investment and purchase of assets.
Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs) are addressed to raise funds through the Capital Markets, destining its investments in real estate projects. The FIIs can invest in any income producing real estate assets, and fixed or floating rate bonds, such as CRIs, LCIs, LH, debentures or in other FIIs.
The funds can be invested in real estate development projects, acquisition of real estate (finished or still in construction), or in development of residential or commercial real estate projects intended for later sale, lease, or rental.
Finaxis Bank has extensive experience in structuring and operating real estate funds. With a specialized technical team responsible for the analysis and monitoring of real estate assets, we ensure utmost diligence and compliance with current legislation.
Contact a FINAXIS professional and ask for more information about our services.